Monday, May 8, 2017

My Huge Student Debt

Going to a four-year university is no joke. You have to pay for so many things that eventually you get in debt. Parking permits are $182 a semester here at Stan State which is a ridiculous amount compared to the $30 at Modesto Junior College. In addition to that our books range from being as cheap as eighty cents to a crazy two hundred dollars or more! Stanislaus state has made me get into debt and it has played a negative effect into my life style. I owed an amount of SIX dollars to the school. I had two months to pay off those six dollars I owed but I didn’t because since it was a small amount I didn’t worry about it. Until two days ago I logged onto my school account and saw the tragedy that happened. I had a hold on my account! That is the worst that can ever happen. I need to choose my classes tomorrow and with a hold my class selection is in major jeopardy. I couldn’t risk having to go through that so I finally paid off my student debt. It took less than five minutes online and I questioned myself on why I didn’t do it sooner. The issue though is that I checked my account and even though I have paid off the six dollars it still states that I have a hold. I am in fear for my academic life that I won’t be able to get the classes I want. Pray for me guys. I love you all. God bless.

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