Monday, May 15, 2017

My Biggest Regret

Overall college has been great. Every single day that I’m on campus I enjoy my time. I always see my old friends from high school but also the new friends I made throughout the school year. College did have its tough moments when it came down to midterms but it was mainly relaxed if I did my work. This school year was one of learning not only in the classroom but also on how to deal with managing school, work, and the bit of a social life one may have. My first semester went very well but unfortunately this second semester has not been the same. I thought I was going to be able to manage everything going on in my life. It’s not much but it keeps me busy. This second semester I began working at AutoZone and it has had both its pros and cons. The main con though is that I have noticed how time consuming this job has been for me. I work part time but the part that affected me was the late shifts at night I would work. Closing the store at eleven but still having to finish closing task and be getting home past midnight and then resting to go to class. I know that having a job has played a huge factor on limiting my full potential in school. It takes the bit of time I have to work on school assignments. Even with time management it’s not enough as I end up mentally and physically drained. I regret working and dedicating so much time to work as I know what truly matters is school. It’s a mistake that I can’t undo but learn from.

Monday, May 8, 2017

My Huge Student Debt

Going to a four-year university is no joke. You have to pay for so many things that eventually you get in debt. Parking permits are $182 a semester here at Stan State which is a ridiculous amount compared to the $30 at Modesto Junior College. In addition to that our books range from being as cheap as eighty cents to a crazy two hundred dollars or more! Stanislaus state has made me get into debt and it has played a negative effect into my life style. I owed an amount of SIX dollars to the school. I had two months to pay off those six dollars I owed but I didn’t because since it was a small amount I didn’t worry about it. Until two days ago I logged onto my school account and saw the tragedy that happened. I had a hold on my account! That is the worst that can ever happen. I need to choose my classes tomorrow and with a hold my class selection is in major jeopardy. I couldn’t risk having to go through that so I finally paid off my student debt. It took less than five minutes online and I questioned myself on why I didn’t do it sooner. The issue though is that I checked my account and even though I have paid off the six dollars it still states that I have a hold. I am in fear for my academic life that I won’t be able to get the classes I want. Pray for me guys. I love you all. God bless.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Stan State Parking Lot

            Waking up in the morning to go to class is a hassle for me. I wake up, curl up in my blanket, and tell myself five more minutes. By the time I know it I only have thirty minutes left to go to school and make it on time to my lecture. I make my way into my car, turn it on, and head out to class. I become relaxed and confident that I am going to make it on time but I suddenly face traffic. I have no other choice but to speed my way left and right through the road. I make it to campus but then I face my greatest enemy…the parking lot. Parking here at Stan State is such an issue. You have problems finding a parking spot as everything may be taken up or because students do not know how to park either! Some spots are too tight that it’s not even worth risking it to fit in. I know Stan State is not that big of an university but the school should take into consideration the parking space available versus the number of parking permits that they sell. I make it on time to school with ten minutes before class but sadly I take about half that time cruising around the parking lot to find a spot for me. One of the main contributors to this problem may be that we all want to park as close as we can but even when I don’t mind park a bit far there is no parking available.