Monday, April 17, 2017

The Beauty of Stan State

Stanislaus State was not my first-choice school to attend for my college career. It was my emergency university that I knew I could attend regardless of the situation. At first I wasn’t super hyped because I was still staying in the region. I felt as if I wasn’t really achieving anything since I didn’t have to move anywhere to attend school but as the months have gone by I came to the conclusion that I made the right choice. Stanislaus State is a very nature oriented campus that has lots of green beauty. There is a vast number of trees and green field to see that one may not be used to. Having so many trees purifies the air and gives a sense of liberty that is not offered in the city life. Along with the trees and green grassy fields are the ponds and wildlife that lives within it. Geese live here on campus and provide an additional beauty to the campus. Even though they may be annoying and leave feces on the sidewalk it is cool to have them on campus. I can’t think of another university that has geese living on their campus. It is a trademark feature of Stan State. One of the major highlights is in the spring when all the trees blossom and it is such an amazing view. People are taking pictures and being proud that this is their university. The only downside is for individuals with allergies. Overall, this is a great campus and I am glad to call it home.

1 comment:

  1. Literally nothing compares to the trees during Fall and in the Spring! I remember when I applied here I was so anxious because this school was the last school to accept me. I felt like I waiting forever to hear back from them but I am so glad I waited instead of accepting a different school out of fear of being rejected from this one. I love it here although sometimes I wish I was around the city because I get bored. I wouldn't trade it for any other school in all honesty.
