Monday, March 27, 2017

Was Spring Break Too Soon?

It is always nice to have some time off from school, sleep in, and catch up on the many lost hours of sleep. The only issue is that I believe that we got spring break too soon this semester. I am not sure how others might have felt with this but from a personal stand point I was not exhausted to the extend in which I needed a whole week off from school. As of now school has been steady and not difficult. Yeah, I have had my few essays and midterms to do but nothing to an extreme in which we should get a whole week off. For me it wasn’t much a break because I still had work and woke up early so I would have preferred to kept on going with school. In addition, all my classes still left homework to complete so that didn’t help to the “break”. Spring Break would have been better further down the semester maybe in mind April. That would help all the students re-freshen their mind entering finals week and help evaluate test scores and the passing rate of classes! Stanislaus State must do some scientific research and a large sum of surveys to help decide when would the ideal time be to have spring break. This is an alarming issue that should be funded in order get an answer. Overall, spring break is a good idea to incorporate in a student’s semester but further planning has to go on from administration to decide when we should have spring break.


  1. I felt the same way. It kind of threw off my schedule just a bit. Most schools get spring break once good Friday hits, but when I found out that spring break was earlier I was like no!

  2. Ya. I kind of agree. It felt a bit early.

  3. Ya. I kind of agree. It felt a bit early.
