Monday, March 13, 2017

Declaring The Right Major

Declaring a major is an exciting sensation as you finally feel you are taking control of your life and have your next few years laid out. The only worry you have is to get the classes you need to graduate in time and prepare for your future career you are pursuing. I recently declared a major after a semester of being uncertain what I wanted to earn my degree in. There are many questions that contribute to declaring a major, the most important being what does one want to do for the rest of their life and is the career I want going to be giving me a great pay? A huge dilemma that many may have is should one go after a career one will enjoy or go after a career that pays well money. It is broken down between happiness or money. The degree I declared was in history as I want to become a history teacher. A high school history teacher makes about $45,000 on average which isn’t bad but I know I can go after a degree in the science field and can make more money. I am already doubting my decision to earn a history degree and change it to have a career that will earn me more money and open more doors for me. The reality is that a history degree doesn’t allow me to do anything other than teach history or show that I have a Bachelor’s degree while another degree such in computer science, chemistry, or biology I will have many job possibilities to work in. For now I will be remaining as a history major but I have a feeling that it will change as money is the motivation.

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