Monday, February 20, 2017

Random College Thoughts

College can be very dreadful. Too much pressure to meet deadlines, even with time management such tasks are impossible. College is a time of personal growth and prepare oneself for the world outside of school. In complete honesty, this blog won’t have a specific theme to focus on but just different thoughts that I have gotten as I have gone through college. To begin with I was always curious about the job of a janitor/custodian (if there is a difference). I wondered if they made a decent amount of money to at least pay off a couple monthly bills. I have thought about it and I think they should be well payed at least in the university level and I imagine even more in a private university or high rank schools such as Stanford, Harvard, and Yale. The life of a custodian or garbage man doesn’t seem so bad and it wouldn’t be if I was aspiring to acquire a minimum paid job with an annual income of $23,000 which is not the case and thus explains why I am in college. I would be a custodian and have a job just cleaning and taking it easy but sadly I cannot make a living out of it. On a side note the tater tots in the Warrior Grill are scrumptious!! I highly recommend them as a snack. You get a bang for your buck as for simply $2.46 you can get a large plate of delicious mini potato bites that melt in your mouth with every bite.

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