Monday, February 27, 2017

Super-Human Students

College is the learning experience of a life time. First, you learn on how to be responsible for yourself such as doing your own laundry, having to wake yourself up for class, and making dinner. The most important discovery made and knowledge that can be gained though is that as a student you learn that you are super human! Your body and mind is put through so many tests mentally, physically, and emotionally. To start off your body does not get the rest it used to. With work and loads of school assignments along with preparation for midterms staying up late and pulling all-nighters simply become a part of your routine. In some cases, one may be lucky to get the recommended eight hours. Going to college means “balling on a budget”. The college life pays a toll on our bodies with the lack of rest it would be the best and reasonable decision to fuel our bodies with healthy food options and reenergizing goodies but instead we do the complete opposite. A cup of noodles is our daily bread! With large consumption of sodium, it is imagined to face fatal consequences but we are super humans and can survive off anything. Finally, the best super human power that you learn is that you can literally pull anything off in college last minute. You may procrastinate and leave an essay until last minute or studying for an exam and still can do the necessary to pull through and pass. It seems that the greater the pressure the greater our young intellectual mind works. College makes you accomplish things you never thought would be possible.

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