Monday, February 13, 2017

Is College Worthy?

Why do we go to college? What is the main purpose of college? Some may say that college is a gateway to a better job and have a luxurious life style that one desires. Others come to college because they want to further expand their knowledge in a certain field of study. There are also the individuals who attend a university with the hope of finding what they want to do with their live and find ones calling. I have the mindset of becoming a History professor but there has been plenty of times in which I think about dropping out and just working. Working to make good money as money is the motivation. I am currently a part time worker at AutoZone but I debate if I should just work to be full time and make even more money than I already do. There is plenty of entrepreneurs who do not have any college education and end up having a great business and making a living out of the company they started. I feel going to school is now a requirement in today’s modern day. The level of competition for acquiring a good job with a good salary is currently on the rise and will be even more in the future. There is also a social pressure to attend college and obtain a degree if not one may be considered a “failure”. Overall, I’m sure I’m going to continue through college as I always finish what I started but there has been countless times that I think that getting a degree may not always be needed to succeed in life.

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