Monday, February 6, 2017

Going To College

College for some may be scary while for others it is a sense of excitement as well as freedom. The thought of going out to the world not knowing what to expect and for once in your life having control of your time and schedule both can make an individual fearful or full of joy. The truth is that going to college is not as bad as many make it seem. Yes, there is midterms that one must study for along with finals but if you’re doing your job and putting in the effort at the end you should be good. One secret to succeeding in college is to stayed focused and do your work on time. For example, this blog is due tonight at 11:59 pm pacific standard time and it could have easily been done a whole day ago, but I go distracted by the super bowl (Go Patriots!!!! TOM BRADY equals GOAT!!!) but here I am though trying to finish it up last minute to get credit and start off the semester right. I am a second semester freshman but I feel so experienced already. Going to college allows an individual to have personal growth and learn good skills such as time management. I myself still need to get out of break mode and get into school mode but once you are in your zone things get accomplished so easily. Overall I have enjoyed college and glad I didn’t get a job and just work like I originally had in mind to do.

1 comment:

  1. It was a good piece about coming to college but it soon turned funny because of how you got distracted. Way to involve the super bowl within your blog. it was a big upset but a decent game.
